Published since 2008, bestselling, award-winning, author Debra Parmley is a multi-genre author with more than 38 books in print. A Gemini, born June 7th, and sharing a birthday with Prince, Debra loves purple, imagining stories, and playing with words. She has written romantic suspense, military and contemporary romance, historical romance, urban fantasy romance, and poetry.
An adventurous author and world traveler, Debra has visited over 13 countries and climbed lighthouses because she is afraid of heights. In 2020 she and her husband sold their house and moved into a motorhome full-time to travel the U.S.
“Every day we are alive is a beautiful day.” – Debra Parmley
For more details about Debra’s career, check out her Media page.
As Debra Bishop, she writes fairy tales, fantasy, and children’s books.