There were so many things I wondered about when I began writing novels. I haven’t forgotten those days. Back then you needed an agent and a publisher for your book to launch into the world. I have learned a lot since my first novel launched in print in 2009. Hopefully sharing a few things on this page will help new writers and anyone who wants answers to the question – how does she do it?
In 2007, when I signed my first book contract, I had an agent, a small advance, and a seven-year contract with a small traditional publishing house. So I’ve been at this for a while. In 2013, when I created my first indie book, I knew the level of quality I wanted my books to have if they were to compete with traditional press books. Today my indie press, Belo Dia Publishing Inc. is where most of my books are published. Belo Dia is Portuguese for “Beautiful Day” and “Beautiful Day” is part of who I am as a person, so it became a major part of my branding. Which leads me to that branding question.
What is branding? I say it’s knowing who you are, acting like it, and making sure your brand reflects that. I know there’s a lot more to it, and I’m no branding expert, but I do know that the more you are yourself and write in your writer’s voice, the more you will connect with readers who will follow you and your work.
My training as a writer:
I attended the Antioch Writers Workshop in Yellow Springs Ohio, for three summers ***** and studied under Katrina Kittle (fiction), *****, and ****(poetry) There I learned how to critique and be critiqued professionally. I have an article on this topic which I could share with you.
I was a member of two critique groups in Memphis. One was multi-genre, run by Robin William’s cousin, Pat, who had parrots. The other was a critique group of four authors who met at the local RWA group and then got together to write our first romance novels. Both taught me a lot and I am grateful to them.
Today I let trusted Beta Readers see my first drafts, and then after I tweak the story, I send it on to my editors. I’ve worked with many editors over the years, as I wrote for five publishers when I was traditionally published. Today the type of editor I hire and how many depends upon what the story needs.
Teaching writers is something I love to do and I’ve been teaching on panels since 2009 when my first book was out in print and Bobby Smith invited me to help her teach at the RT convention. It wasn’t long until Judy McCoy asked me to teach there as well. Since then I have taught at conventions and in private local classes as my writing schedule allows.
My Courses Online:
Promoting Your Book on Radio, and TV Interviews: Moving From Fear to Fun with Successful Author Interviews, is on Udemy and is free. Learn how I moved from fear of public speaking on radio or TV to having fun and even being an online radio show host.
For writing, I use… a MacBook Pro laptop, a 13-inch silver 2015 edition. Though it’s hard to find one of those ever refurbed these days you can still find a 2017 version which is much cheaper than a new one.
I write my books in Word using the Microsoft 365 annual plan.
To elevate my laptop I use an adjustable computer stand an awesome Mother’s Day gift from my youngest son.
Attached to my laptop I use this beautiful vintage-looking Quirky Writer keyboard, a wonderful Christmas gift from both my sons. I learned to type on a typewriter in high school and love typing on my Quirky Writer. I find it more comfortable to type on than a laptop keyboard. Here’s a picture of me using it in the office of our old house in Bartlett, TN. We lived there 23 years so quite a few of my books were written here.
Once the editing is done, I use Vellum Press to format my books. I’ve created ebooks, paperbacks, and large print hardcover editions. I love it so much that I bought the program. They have a free version you can download.
My cover artist does all my covers:
My Virtual assistant helps me stay organized: She also has proofed some of my books.
H4Y has been my website host for years and their customer service is excellent. I now use them for my domain name registrar as well. H4Y link:
Next Day Fliers is where I make trifold book lists, bookmarks, postcards, and business cards. For graphics to promote my books, I use BookBrush and Canva, or I hire my cover artist. I’ve purchased banners from
Fresh Fiction promotes my books every month as I am one of their Fresh Fiction authors. You can see things they are doing for me by starting with my author page:
I am a member of the Alliance of Independent Authors.
Click the ALLi link above to discover the benefits of being a member.
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